Kim Kardashian At The Burbank Airport

Here are some pictures of Kim Kardashian getting ready to catch a flight at the Burbank Airport in Burbank,CA.

I'd hit it.

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Kim Kardashian Denies That Ray-J Gave Her A Golden Shower

Kim Kardashian has dismissed reports that her infamous sex tape featured footage of her getting pissed on by ex boyfriend Ray J.

Kardashian insisted that the footage features standard carnal knowledge and nothing else. But the rumors of her participation in the bold sexual act haven't stopped.

"People were saying derogatory things... I'm not knocking anyone else, but I've never personally participated in that," The Sun quoted Kardashian, as saying.

"I think it's degrading," she added.

Video of Kim Kardashian At The Beach

Kim Kardashian was at the beach but failed to show off that bootilicious backside....don't hold out on us Kim!